Pilot plan to improve the nutritional quality and somatic cell count of bovine milk produced by small producers in the Province of Pichincha-Ecuador, applying a training program

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Byron Puga-Torres
Dennisse Carolina Meneses Cunama
James Orlando Meneses Pineda
María Carolina Montenegro Almeida
Ismael Demóstenes Morales Pérez
César Raúl Guanoluisa Vargas
Tania Villarreal


Dairy production in Ecuador is a source of economic income for many small and medium producers, however the lack of technical advice leads to problems in the quality of milk, and affects their production volume. The purpose of this investigation was to conduct a pilot plan to improve the quality of milk produced by 57 small producers from different parishes of the cantons of Quito, Rumiñahui and San Miguel de los Bancos in the province of Pichincha, through a training plan in good milking practices and feeding strategies. Two initial samplings were carried out (between October and November 2021) prior to the training, and two final samplings (in June 2022) to measure the impact of the training. A total of 1.273 samples were collected, of these only 4.02 % (52/1273) (of the samples) complied with the reference values of the national regulations, while 95.98 % (1243/1273) did not comply with any of the evaluated parameters; however, the vast majority of the milk is suitable for human consumption, yet its nutritional quality needs to be improved. We were able to reduce considerably (although not statistically) the somatic cell count (SC, from an initial average of 623530 CS ml-1 to 365660 CS ml-1 after training, being correlated with the significant increase in the percentage of lactose between the initial and final sampling; there were also significant differences in the percentage of fat and total solids, although in these two cases their values decreased after training (fat from 2.58 % in the initial sampling to 2.10 % in the final sampling and total solids of 11, 44 % to 11.00 %);showed no significant differences between samples. It is concluded that the training was beneficial since the considerable decrease in the somatic cell count increased the volume of milk production of the small producers, and therefore their economic income. For the rest of the parameters, it is recommended to reinforce training in nutrition, feeding, pasture management, etc., in order to increase their values, as well as to maintain constant training programs for producers, supported by academia, private and public entities.


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How to Cite
Puga-Torres, B., Meneses Cunama, D. C., Meneses Pineda, J. O., Montenegro Almeida, M. C., Morales Pérez, I. D., Guanoluisa Vargas, C. R., & Villarreal, T. (2024). Pilot plan to improve the nutritional quality and somatic cell count of bovine milk produced by small producers in the Province of Pichincha-Ecuador, applying a training program. Siembra, 11(1), e4493. https://doi.org/10.29166/siembra.v11i1.4493
Original article
Author Biography

Byron Puga-Torres, Universidad Central del Ecuador. Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia. Jerónimo Leyton s/n y Gatto Sobral. C.P. 170521. Quito, Pichincha, Ecuador



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