Optimization of staking in intraspecific varieties of Hypericum spp. for export

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Jaime Andres Yanascual Paillacho
María Yumbla-Orbes


The study aimed to analyze how the use of staking influences the production of cut flowers of three varieties of Hypericum spp. A randomized complete block design with split plots was used, where the main plots represented management with and without staking, and the subplots included three varieties of Hypericum spp. (Vulcano, Rubí, and Code V71), distributed across four blocks, with 10 plants per block as the experimental unit. Regarding the variable of stem lodging, Vulcano presented an average of 2.5 stems per plant. The number of induced axillary buds in the three varieties was not affected by staking. The estimation of Leaf Area Index [LAI] placed V71 with the best index of 0.66, with no influence of the use or absence of tutoring meshes. The straightness of stems was observed in Rubí and V71, showing a tendency for straight stem growth while Vulcano, due to its growth habit, presented various curvatures in the stem. Regarding the number of berries, Rubí exhibited up to 60 % of stems with more than 12 berries, indicating outstanding quality for commercialization. The marketable stems for Rubí and V71 were 140 and 136 stems m-2, respectively, demonstrating their yield potential compared to Vulcano. In contrast, for non-marketable stems, the V71 variety exhibited a higher quantity, with an average of 49.25 stems m-2. Nevertheless, staking is recommended only for the Vulcano variety due to its lower performance. These results underscore the importance of studying and applying staking specifically according to the characteristics of each Hypericum spp. variety intended for export.


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How to Cite
Yanascual Paillacho, J. A., & Yumbla-Orbes, M. (2024). Optimization of staking in intraspecific varieties of Hypericum spp. for export. Siembra, 11(2), e6180. https://doi.org/10.29166/siembra.v11i2.6180
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Author Biographies

Jaime Andres Yanascual Paillacho, Universidad Central del Ecuador. Facultad de Ciencias Agrícolas, Carrera de Agronomía. Jerónimo Leiton y Av. La Gasca s/n. Ciudadela Universitaria. Quito. 170521. Ecuador


María Yumbla-Orbes, Universidad Central del Ecuador. Facultad de Ciencias Agrícolas, Carrera de Agronomía. Jerónimo Leiton y Av. La Gasca s/n. Ciudadela Universitaria. Quito. 170521. Ecuador



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