Conservative orthodontic management in brachyfacial patient. Clinical case report




Conservative Treatment, Orthodontics, Brachyfacial, Cephalometry


Orthodontic diagnosis as the axis of correct planning and at the same time the starting point of all preventive, interceptive and/or corrective treatment, denotes that in the 21st century it continues to be a dilemma or crossroads without a complete answer, due to the holistic conservative and non-conservative criteria of dental pieces: furthermore, if the different factors are considered as intrinsic and extrinsic, the evaluation criteria become more complex. In Latin America there is a high prevalence of individuals with skeletal class II characteristics with brachyfacial biotype, therefore, these become the most frequent in the dental office and every professional needs to be prepared or at least should have criteria for diagnosis, planning and treatment of the most frequent casuistry. From this point we solve the problem starting from the conservative diagnostic parameters applied to orthodontics in order to comply with the effectiveness of the treatment. In this clinical case a 25-year-old patient was examined for orthodontic treatment along with sequential diagnostic analysis including a thorough cephalometric study to determine the changes during the evolution of the conservative management of the case. Conclusion: It is possible to perform conservative orthodontic treatments by means of the various appliances created to date; however, when recognizing the characteristics of the biofacial type, the parameters change and become limiting; For this reason, this article presents the ideal management, without extraction of premolars and step by step correction of the characteristic brachyfacial malocclusion, skeletal class III, with increased overbite, deviation of the upper midline to the right, crowding in both arches with retroinclination and retrusion of upper and lower incisors.


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Author Biographies

Paulette Estefanía Aguilera Córdova, Universidad Católica de Cuenca

Odontóloga General. Universidad Católica de Cuenca. Ecuador

Branly Rafael Vásquez Ortega, Miembro de la Asociación Internacional de Ortodoncia y Odontología Forense

Odontólogo General, Especialista en Ortopedia Dentofacial y Ortodoncia. Ecuador

Míriam Fernanda Ortega López, Universidad Católica de Cuenca

Odontóloga General, Especialista en Docencia Clínica Odontológica. Universidad del Zulia, Especialista en Odontopediatría. Universidad UTE

Daniel Emanuel Ramírez Romero, Universidad Católica de Cuenca

Odontólogo General, Especialista en Ortodoncia, Coordinador de la Especialización en Ortodoncia Sede Azogues de la Universidad Católica de Cuenca. Cuenca-Ecuador

Ronald Roossevelt Ramos Montiel, Universidad Católica de Cuenca

Odontólogo General, Especialista en Ortodoncia, Especialista en Docencia Clínica Odontológica, Doctor en Ciencias Odontológicas. Coordinador de la Especialización en Ortodoncia y Docente de Grado de la Unidad Académica de Salud y Bienestar de la Universidad Católica de Cuenca. Cuenca-Ecuador


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How to Cite

Aguilera Córdova, P. E. ., Vásquez Ortega, B. R. ., Ortega López, M. F., Ramírez Romero, D. E. ., & Ramos Montiel, R. R. . (2022). Conservative orthodontic management in brachyfacial patient. Clinical case report. Odontología, 24(1), e3562.



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