Association between anxiety, depression, and dental wear in schoolchildren from a colombian city
tooth wear, anxiety, depression, Oral rehabilitation in children, ColombiaAbstract
Introduction: Various psychological factors can affect the functionality of facial muscles and the structure of teeth. Objective: To determine if there is an association between dental wear and anxiety and depression in children. Methods: A case-control study was conducted on a sample of 78 children aged between 6 and 9 years from a public school in the city of Santa Marta, Colombia. Results: The mean age of the children was 7.7 ± 1.2 years. Approximately 92% belonged to stratum 1 (very low family income). All of them presented some level of anxiety, with 89.7% of them having moderate anxiety. Among these, 87% of the children had dental wear of grade 3 or 4. Regarding depression, 62% fell into the moderate category. Among children with any degree of depression, 59.0% showed grade 3 dental wear, and 28.1% showed grade 4 wear. Furthermore, a significant association was found between these psychological factors and dental wear. Conclusion: All examined children simultaneously had depression-anxiety and dental wear, with grades 3 and 4 of wear being the most common.
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