Adaptability of four varieties of beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in the parish Luz de América - Ecuador
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Dried beans represent 0.90% of Ecuadorian national production, in transient crops. Yields are affected by the use of uncertified seeds and planting without considering ecological locations. The objective of the research was to evaluate the adaptability of four varieties of beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in the Luz de América parish. Four treatments were used, with four repetitions, under a completely randomized block design. The varieties were: Canario, Centenario, Fanesquero Blanco and Vilcabamba. The variables evaluated were: germination percentage, number of leaves per plant, plant height, stem diameter, days of flowering, days of fruiting, number of legumes per plant, length of legumes, number of grains per legume, percentage of disease involvement, weight of 100 grains and production per hectare. The yield obtained was 1.96, 1.01, 0.96 and 0.87 tons per hectare for the Centenario, Vilcabamba, Fanesquero Blanco and Canario varieties, respectively. In the development, it is concluded that Centenario has smaller size and reached greater performance; Meanwhile, the Vilcabamba variety spent energy growing, a symptom of stress due to the lack of adaptability. It also has poor resistance to pests. The variables number of leaves, stem diameter, and number of grains per legum turned out to be non-significant because they had apparent values.
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