Morphological and biochemical characterization of Ralstonia solanacearum Race 2, pathogenic bacterium in banana and plantain crops in El Carmen, Manabí, Ecuador

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Paulina Stephanie Saquicela Cruz
Elena V. Romanova
Rocío Noemí Guamán Guamán
Santiago Miguel Ulloa Cortázar
Ángel Fabián Villavicencio Abril


The musaceae are very important for food worldwide, in Ecuador they occupy 20,57% of the planted area, being the canton El Carmen one of the main sites dedicated to this exploitation. On the other hand, Ralstonia solanacearum, is the cause of the disease known as plantain moko, which can wipe out 100% of a plantation. Therefore, a morphological and biochemical characterization of R. solanacearum Race 2, pathogenic bacterium in banana and plantain crops in El Carmen, Manabí, Ecuador, was carried out in order to identify and determine the characteristics that confirm the presence of the etiological pathogen of the disease present in the mentioned area. The morphological and biochemical analysis was carried out at laboratory level; the samples were taken from plantain and banana plantations (soil and pseudo-stem), with symptoms of moko. As a result, virulence was identified in half of the samples. It was also confirmed that the bacterium is Gram negative, in its bacillus form, catalase positive, indole negative, with an oxidative and fermentative character of lactose and glucose, without presence of hydrogen sulfide, unable to hydrolyze starch in vitro culture. It was confirmed that the temperature of 4°C and pH of 4,5 inhibit the increase of its populations; however, the ranges of 25 and 37°C with pH of 6,5 to 8,5 did not prove to be restrictive for its propagation; therefore, it is affirmed that El Carmen meets the required standards for the t pathogen o proliferate optimally.


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Saquicela Cruz, P. S. ., Romanova, E. V. ., Guamán Guamán, R. N., Ulloa Cortázar, S. M. ., & Villavicencio Abril, Ángel F. . (2023). Morphological and biochemical characterization of Ralstonia solanacearum Race 2, pathogenic bacterium in banana and plantain crops in El Carmen, Manabí, Ecuador. Siembra, 10(1), e4305.
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Rocío Noemí Guamán Guamán, Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas-ESPE. Sede Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas, Vía Santo Domingo-Quevedo km 24, Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas, Ecuador P. O.BOX: 171-5-231B


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