Micro-hardness of permanent teeth with incipient fluorosis treated with infiltrant resin


  • Andrés Alejandro Viteri García Odontólogo, Facultad de Odontología, Universidad Central del Ecuador
  • Gustavo Tello PhD. en Odontopediatría (Universidad de Sao Paulo), Maestría en estomatología (Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega UIGV), Posgrado en Atención Odontológica para bebés (Universidad Estatal Londrina-Brasil), Cirujano dentista (Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega UIGV), Docente Investigador, Instituto de Investigación y Posgrado, Facultad de Odontología, Universidad Central del Ecuador
  • Ana del Carmen Armas Vega Postdoctorado en Odontopediatría, PhD en Dentística Restauradora, Magister en Dentística Restauradora, Docente Investigador, Facultad de Odontología, Universidad Central del Ecuador


Microhardness, dental fluorosis, Icon


Objective: To evaluate the microhardness of the enamel affected by fluorosis subjected to treatment with infiltrating resin, comparing it with sound teeth and teeth with incipient fluorosis. Materials and methods: The sample consisted of 15 permanent human teeth collected from the Teeth Bank of the Faculty of Odontology of the Central University of Ecuador. For the selection of the teeth, diagnostic criteria of dental fluorosis were considered according to Thylstrup and Ferjeskov (1978), having 5 teeth with score 0 and 10 teeth with incipient fluorosis (score 1-3). None of the teeth that were examined in the study had caries, cracks or fractures. The sample was divided into 3 groups. G1: sound teeth (negative control), G2: teeth with incipient fluorosis and G3: teeth with incipient fluorosis treated with Icon® infiltrating resin. To each group (n=5), dental prophylaxis was performed and afterwards to G3, infiltrating resin was applied. The Knoop micro-hard-ness was obtained through 3 indentations with microhardness tester (Wilson Tukon Microhardness Tester). The data were analyzed through the Spearman’s Rho method with 5% significance. Results: The median of Knoop microhardness of the groups and their standard deviations were: G1=284.8 ± 56.2 G2=325.7 ± 95.1 G3=226.2 ± 67.4, no statistically significant differences were found between the examined groups (p>0.05). Conclusion: The microhardness of the enamel affected by incipient fluorosis subjected to treatment with infiltrating resin, enamel of sound teeth, and enamel of teeth with incipient fluorosis did not demonstrate statistical difference.


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How to Cite

Viteri García, A. A., Tello, G., & Armas Vega, A. del C. (2018). Micro-hardness of permanent teeth with incipient fluorosis treated with infiltrant resin. Odontología, 18(2), 6–11. Retrieved from https://revistadigital.uce.edu.ec/index.php/odontologia/article/view/1328



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