Prevalence and associated factors of erosive dental wear in children from 8 to 12 years of the north of Quito, Ecuador
Erosion of the teeth, Epidemiology, Pediatric DentistryAbstract
Erosive tooth wear has become one of the main oral health problems that worries clinicians and researchers in the world due to its high prevalence. Objective: To determine the prevalence and associated factors of Erosive Tooth Wear (ETW) in children from 8 to 12 years old in the north of Quito-Ecuador. Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study had a convenience sample of 175 children of both genders from 8 to 12 years of age in the Republica de Colombia, Benigno Malo and Ricardo Ortiz schools in the north of Quito. Before the clinical examination was sent to the parents the informed consent and questions about their socioeconomic status, the children were asked for the informed consent and they inquired about the frequency, mode and temperature of industrialized beverage consumption. A trained and calibrated examiner per-formed the clinical examination using the diagnostic criteria of O’Brien, 1993. Prior to the clinical examination a cleaning with gauze and bottled water was performed. The data were statistically analyzed by logistic regression with a level of significance of 5%. Results: The prevalence of ETW was 53.14%, the majority of lesions affected only dental enamel. No association was found with gender, age and socioeconomic status (p> 0.05). Children who consumed any industrialized beverage (soda, juice or tea) had a higher ETW (OR = 38.13 / p = 0.001) and the temperature of the beverage (refrigerated) proved to be a protection factor (OR = 0.18 / p <0.01). Conclusion: The population studied showed a high prevalence of ETW and is associated with the consumption of industrialized beverages.
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