As we approach the year of the fight against sars-cov-2 that causes covid-19, it is a top priority for all countries - as it is perceived as one of the main threats to humanity - to adopt a planetary health approach to avoid other potential risks that may arise from it; we must have a better understanding that health and civilization depend on natural systems; We must protect our environment and wisely manage the resources that our Mother Earth lavishes on us, it is an essential strategy to avoid major crises in the future. Natural resources guarantee a healthy life on the planet, rethinking environmental protection, determining protected areas in a post-COVID-19 scenario as part of the development agenda and facing the challenges ahead. Let's not let silent viruses attack our foundations; the university —and in particular FIGEMPA— assume the ethical, moral, scientific and investigative commitment to train professionals who are scientifically and technologically trained to understand the importance of Earth sciences, natural resources and how to face future challenges.


Published: 2020-12-31

La Esperanza mining prospect, new indications of a Cu-Mo-Au porphyry, Sigchos-Cotopaxi

Milton Reinoso Mena, Ricardo Andrade Terán, Washington Lomas Zumba, Marcos Gallardo Inga, Franco Pinzón Rivas


Stratigraphic architecture of alluvial terraces in the Yunganza river

Cristian Romero, Andrea Cisneros Medina, Darwin Condoy Guiracocha, Fausto Carranco Andino, Ana Belén Gramal Aguilar, Franz Betancourt Valdivieso
