Biofertilization and chemical fertilization of corn (Zea mays l.) at Villaflores, Chiapas, México
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This study conducted was to evaluate the effect of two types of biofertilizers (inoculated beneficial microorganisms) in the production of corn under two formulas of chemical fertilization. It was conducted under an experimental randomized block design with nine treatments and four repetitions, making 36 experimental units. The treatments were Azospirillum brasilense and Chromobactherium violaceum with different fertilization. The highest grain yield of maize was found with treatment Azospirillum brasilense + chemical fertilizer 160-46-30 with 5.97 t ha-1; second Chromobacterium violaceum + chemical fertilizer 80-23-15 with 5.87 t ha-¹ and the lowest yield was the absolute control with 4.30 t ha-¹. Results showed that when used biofertilizers there is an increase in corn yield due to the application of beneficial microorganisms, so the hypothesis is not rejected. In the economic analysis the treatment with higher net profits were Azospirillum brasilense + Chromobacterium violaceum + chemical fertilizer 160-46-30 y Azospirillum brasilense + chemical fertilizer 160-46-30 with $ 15.576 and $ 15.226 respectively. It is concluded that the use of the fertilizer Azospirillum brasilense represented an increase in the grain yield of 27.98% (1.67 t ha-1) with respect to the absolute control and a greater net benefit.
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