Among dinosaur footprints and intangible heritage. Tourism as an alternative for inhabitants of Huatacondo
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This study addresses the issue of local development based on tourism in Huatacondo, a small village located in the Northern Chile. Here, high-value attractions such as dinosaur footprints, petroglyphs and other heritage resources can be found. However, there has been no discussion about the alternatives and development models that could be implemented, leaving the town exposed to the dynamics of spontaneous development, with all the consequences that this can bring about. An. exploratory and descriptive methodology was applied. Results show a high value of the attractions, but a low level of suitability to be exploited. In addition, the local community recognizes and values its heritage, is interested in promoting and participating in the tourism sector. Finally, the current state of the site is suitable to start public-private management with a view to building a sustainable model for tourism development and social well-being.
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